Thursday, January 26, 2012

I'm Reading a Book!

January is the time where emotions run high and most avid students are loosing sleep because of exams. I would be one of those people!! Still, I feel bad for not posting anything sooner so here are a few things to keep you occupied.

#1 -- Do not read if you have not seen Harry Potter (movie 1)

#2 -- This is really me when I'm interrupted when "I'm reading a book"


Sunday, January 1, 2012

A New Chapter

Another year gone, and already we're on the doorstep of another. New Years is a time of celebration. Even Google's celebrating!!!! This year for me, has probably been one of the most eventful. Tears and cries of joy took over practically everyday. I'll admit, I didn't do everything I wanted, but you can't always. It's like at the end of a book, you're ready to start a new one.

A New Years tradition in my household is that we always have resolutions for next year. But, for some reason this year, I can't think of any! And I'm not sure whether it's because I've run out of hope, or I'm just lazy, or I don't know what I want yet to happen... Or maybe, it's because I am, and have done, and fulfilled everything I essentially wanted. I doubt it, but it's a very nice thought to believe in :D

So what are you doing this New Years?? I assure you, I will be wearing a very funny paper hat :p So go have a blast, and end the night / start tomorrow, with a bang!