Sunday, November 21, 2010

A Flood of Possibilities

So, yesterday I went to a workshop on "How to Get Published", which was hosted by Tinlids. I must admit, going in, I was nervous. I mean here were Publishers and Editors and Authors and (GASP) Agents!!!!! But, in the end it truly was helpful. I learned a lot of great things that I would have NEVER thought of.

So, in the event of yesterday, here is a small list of things to have in your story:

  • In order to create a believable story you must have at LEAST one of four conflicts: Personal (Your value system), Interpersonal (a fight between two or more characters/people), Institutional / Society (Work or school or a club), and Enviromental (forest fire, attacked by bear, car crash).
  • Your story must have a TWIST
  • Know your voice and insure that it is not only an exciting story, but that the plot is CHARACTER DRIVEN
  • Less is more (allows readers to form their own views)
  • Is is essential to have a "Narrative Pull" (which takes the reader by the hand and compels you to turn page after page)
  • Have a character under pressure
  • And always keep your mind open! Don't stick to the outline.
Here is a list of things that relate to submitting and writing ability / talent:

  • Stop hitting delete, save all your copies so that you can compare
  • Target a publisher (Go to bookstores, websites, buy books with lists, and visit ) It is important though that you visit the publishers website and read their guidelines for submissions. There is no point in sending a Paranormal Romance to a Non-fiction publisher!!!! (By following the guidelines, you show you can work as a team and are professional)
  • Send your manuscript by mail, and also send a copy to yourself for proof. DO NOT OPEN IT WHEN YOU GET IT!
  • Publish as much as possible (Short stories, magazines, poems, whatever you can)
  • Know what makes your work stand out and is unique
  • Take different courses at Ryerson and UofT
  • NEVER EVER EVER write "Dear Editor" or "Dear Art Director" or whatever. Your work automatically gets chucked. Send to a name (get involved and connect with people in the industry)
  • Know what you are passionate about and DO IT!
  • Read frequently because publishing trends change
  • Make sure your manuscript FITS with the publisher
  • Editors and Agents want CLEVER and WORD PLAY
  • Remember you will get better
  • If you are not passionate then the work will be soulless
  • Find an editor and have it professionally evaluated
There is a lot more, but I think this is a great way to get started! Look it over and have fun! Have a great weekend! :)

1 comment:

Susan said...

Of course you will 'get published', there is no stopping you! :)