Friday, November 12, 2010

Hello Again

Well, yes, I will admit, it's been too long! And for those of you who have kept checking in, wondering if there will EVER be another post, here it is! So, hello again to all you bloggers! Now, yes yes shame on me, I haven't updated this for over a few weeks, and to those of you who are wondering, no I haven't been busy writing! *SHOCK!*

You see, I've been procrastinating, which is something that all writers will find themselves doing at some point or another. It's not that you don't want to write, or that you can't's really that you just can't be bothered. There comes a time when you ask yourself "What's the point? It probably won't be published anyway, so why are you wasting your time trying?". And everyone is licenced to doubt themselves once and a while, but never believe the doubt. If you can't fight for what you want most in the world, then who will?

"So, what's been happening in your time of shame, Gemma?"

Well, to be honest, a lot....but nothing of great importance. I'm sending out my first few chapters to an editor this weekend (YIKES!), and though it is scary, I just have to suck it up and be brave! This is the very first step to getting my book published. Secondly, I've signed up for a writing seminar on November 20th, which should offer some help, and third....I just missed out on a big opportunity.

"What opportunity?"

Well, the well known and award winning author (Arthur Slade) came to my school, handed out free books, gave a presentation on how he went about getting published, the secrets of great writing, and what not. Every class went to the presentation.....oh, wait, EXCEPT MINE!!!!!!! The one time I get to  find out the key to success, WHOOSH, there it goes!

Sigh, but no worries, I'm going to believe in myself and do my very best. And no matter how much I don't think this will work, I'm not going to care, I'm going to do it anyway. So Gemma's back!

Hello again blog.
Hello again computer.
Hello again writing.
Hello again.....


Susan said...

Hello!! What a happy to see a new post from you :) So happy you're "back"!!

Ms. K and her Students said...

at last!